Gourmet Chocolate

I love me some good chocolate..!

And with Valentine’s Day on the horizon, I think we should discuss…

Have you ever met anyone that does not like chocolate in some way, shape or form? I do know some people that won’t eat it by choice or for health reasons, but no living human has ever told me they just don’t like it while keeping a straight face.

Certainly everybody knows of the Hershey’s and See’s of the world. These are fine in their own way, but certainly not the best of what is available.

Following the “life’s too short to eat bad chocolate” mantra, we have found some chocolate makers that may redefine your chocolate cravings. They are all Connoisseur Corner Recommended!

· La Maison du Chocolat - Robert Linxe opened the first legendary shop in 1977.

· Marie Belle - Works of art from this New York based boutique chocolatier.

· Jacques Torres Chocolate - Chocolates from the world famous pastry chef.

· Richart - Paris - Two generations of French chocolate artistry.

· Christopher Norman - More artistic chocolates from New York.

Indulge the taste buds and have a great Valentine’s Day..!